“Tutankhamun – Immersive Exhibition”
The Grand Egyptian Museum is proud to announce .A unique temporary exhibition that promises to provide an enchanting experience.
For the first time in Egypt, the Grand Egyptian Museum will host the highly acclaimed ceremony.
Where you can discover the story of this King in a completely new way in a truly immersive experience.Then Using the latest digital display devices, visitors to the exhibition will live an unprecedented historical experience.
Immerse yourself in the splendor of Tutankhamun’s reign and the secrets that have captivated generations.
The beginning of discovering the tomb of Tutankhamun
King Tutankhamun’s fascination began 101 years ago, when British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the pharaoh’s largely intact tomb in Luxor’s Valley of the Kings, which contained thousands of golden treasures.
Tutankhamun (flourished 14th century BCE) was an ancient Egyptian king who reigned from 1333 to 23 BCE. He is best known for his intact tomb,which was discovered in the Valley of the Kings in 1922. During his reign, powerful advisers restored traditional Egyptian religion and art, which had been abandoned by his predecessor, Akhenaten, who led the “Amarna revolution.”
Tutankhaten’s (as he was originally known) parentage is unknown, but a single black fragment from Akhetaton (Tell el-Amarna), Akhenaten’s capital city, refers to him as a king’s son in a context similar to that of the princesses.
With the death of Smenkhkare, the young Tutankhaten became king, and was married to Akhenaten’s third daughter, Ankhesenpaaton (later known as Ankhesenamen), probably the eldest surviving princess of the royal family. Because at his accession he was still very young, the elderly official Ay, who had long maintained ties with the royal family, and the general of the armies, Horemheb, served as Tutankhaten’s chief advisers.
Some treasures. Including the eye-catching gold death mask of the boy king.
What does the show consist of?
The six-part series begins with the establishment of Heliopolis . the legendary birth of Tutankhamun at the hands of the Egyptian ram god Khumun.
Viewers then have the impression that they are moving with the Nile current beneath them. As the lush landscape surrounds and embraces ancient Egypt.
The third chapter talks about temples such as Abu Simbel and the colorful pictures that decorate them.
Color overlays on black-and-white photographs of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb.
As well as contemporary newspaper headlines from around the world describing the historic archaeological discovery.
The final two sections take visitors inside the cemetery.
When will the Grand Egyptian Museum be available to all visitors in its entirety?
Finally The Grand Egyptian Museum will now open its doors to visitors. it will open it’s door in the first half of 2024. Visitors will enjoy more than 50,000 artifacts.
Including Khufu’s two solar boats and the entire Tutankhamun collection, which includes about 5,400 objects. Tutankhamun’s mummy in Luxor will be the only piece that will remain in its current location. His funerary mask and some other key pieces are still on display at the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir.
Will most likely not be moved until the opening date.

Visitors who have booked this Immersive Show can now tour the Grand Staircase. which is lined with 64 artifacts of ancient Egypt’s most important kings, queens and gods, including large statues, obelisk heads, doorways, columns, stelae and many more.
Coffins. Floor-to-ceiling windows on the upper floor provide a panoramic view of the Giza Pyramids. Escalators advertise the Tutankhamun galleries, archaeological studies, botanical gardens and historical exhibitions.
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