Wonderful Luxor temple is 1 of the oldest temple in Luxor.
There is no doubt that if you visit Egypt, you should visit Luxor, because it is an ancient and distinguished city, in addition to that it includes a third of the world’s monuments. The credit for building the Luxor Temple goes to both King Ramses II of the Nineteenth Dynasty and King Amenhotep III of the Eighteenth Dynasty.
You will know that the outer parts of the Luxor Temple belong to King Ramses II, while the inner parts belong to King Amenhotep III
What is Luxor Temple?
You will see the edifice, which is 65 meters wide and 24 meters high, and in the middle of the edifice is a huge gate. In the front of the temple, you will see 6 granite statues of King Ramses II, two of them representing King Ramses II sitting, each statue about 6 meters high, and they are of black granite, and there are On each side are two statues of King Ramses II standing and they are of pink granite and most of these statues are broken.Two statues appear inside the temple of King Ramses II wearing the crown and the other with his daughters or wives.
In front of the Luxor Temple there were two obelisks, of which only the eastern obelisk remained. On the base of this obelisk there is a group of monkeys. As for the southern obelisk, it was gifted by Muhammad Ali to the King of France, and it is now located in the Concorde Square. Existing in its place so far is the obelisk of King Senusret I in Matariya, Ain Shams.

In front of the Luxor Temple, there is a road on both sides of which there are two rows of sphinxes dating back to the era of King Nectanebo of the Thirtieth Dynasty, and this road used to reach the road of rams in Karnak Temple. This road is comparable to the road of rams in the Karnak Temple, but the difference between the Luxor Temple road and the Karnak Temple road is that the statues of the Luxor Temple are in the form of the Sphinx, while the statues of the Karnak Temple are in the form of the ram of Amun.

On the edifice of Luxor Temple from the outside, there are scenes representing King Ramses II in the Battle of Kadesh against the Hittites. There are also scenes of King Ramses II in his chariot. There is also a view of the enemy camp. There is another view of King Ramses II in the chariot while he is in the midst of the enemies, and the kings were bragging about their war chariots. There is a view of King Ramses II and in front of him the enemies fleeing and leaving the city of Kadesh, and there is a view of the Prince of Kadesh, who is afraid of King Ramses II.It is known that the external views of the temples were war and military scenes, and the scenes inside the temples were religious scenes, and at the end of the edifice from the top there is the Egyptian Corniche, and there is also the decoration of the beads and there is an inscription of the winged sun disk, and the northern face of Luxor Temple overlooks Karnak Temple from the back, as the destination of Luxor Temple has many war and military scenes of King Ramses II
Below we will talk about the contents of the temple, the first courtyard of the Luxor Temple
The first courtyard of the Luxor Temple dates back to the reign of King Ramses II. In the first courtyard of the Luxor Temple, there are two rows of columns consisting of 74 stones. To the right of the entrance there are three chapels of the Holy Theban Trinity, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. These booths have 4 columns in the shape of a bundle of papyrus, and between the columns there are some statues of King Ramses II while he was standing and statues while he was sitting.
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